This guide is for Windows users only

First of all you'll need to download hlds_v1120.exe there: Cs-amx - Aide à la configuration serveur !!!! ( Pseudo: Doggy / Pw: latnessearch ) ( scanned and no virus )
Now you have it click on instal it and put it in the folder that they ask you .. HLServer
Now go in the folder HLServer and delete ClientRegistry.blob

Ok open your command Prompt and write " cd c:\HLServer " press enter, then you have to write " HldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -dir c:\HLServer "
When it's complet don't close your command prompt and write that: " HldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -game "cstrike" -dir c:\HLServer "

Now you need to copy your hlds.exe in your HLServer and put it on your desktop.
On your shortcut you'll need to right click it and go in the section properties and in Cible you will have to write: " C:\HLServer\hlds.exe -console -game cstrike +maxplayers 12 +map de_dust2 +port 27015 "

To Stop your server you'll need to write Exit then enter

Ok lets fix some bug

Go in cstrike that is located in your HLServer folder
Creat these 4 new documents in it
- language.cfg
- config.cfg
- listip.cfg
- banned.cfg

be sure that they are setted as .cfg file ..
Then reset your server and it should work correctly

You only need to forward these ports:
• 27000 à 27015 en UDP
• 1200 en UDP
• 27020 à 27039 en TCP

Credit: Ghazanfar Ali Naqvi